Eddie Guy Septic Systems in Mechanicsville
Eddie Guy Septic has been installing Septic System drain fields in Mechanicsville, St Mary’s County, Charles County, and Southern Md for over 45 years. Our experience is unmatched in St Mary’s County. Let our skill and experience work for you.
What is a Septic System?
What is a Septic System? A Septic System consists of all your outdoor plumbing. starting from the foundation of the house, the plumbing outlet leads to a septic tank. Two or three chambers usually, these chambers help to separate solids from liquids (which is why its so important to pump them regularly so solids don’t spill over where only liquids should be) and then drain out into the earth for a natural filtering effect. From the exit of the septic tank begins a solid pipe leading to a distribution box. The box is then dialed in so that flow is split evenly between 2, 3, or 4 septic lines from tank.

What is a Septic Repair?
Under Septic Repair situations, when your existing drain field lines are failing, what happened was that some of the solids that should have been filtered out in the septic tank got into the drain field. This “clogs” up the pours of the earth, no longer allowing it to act like sand and quickly dispersing your old septic water into the local watershed. Now with clogged lines, the septic water starts backing up, first overfilling your septic tank, then saturating the ground in your yard with septic water, finally making it so your water will not flush. That Septic water in your yard is not healthy. That is a biohazardous condition that can make people sick, not to mention is not in compliance with local sanitation laws.
What we can do to fix the situation is to dig and install new septic system drain field in another part of your yard. Between you, us, and the health department (mostly them likely) we figure out a good spot in the yard for another couple lines, and build your new septic system. For small lots with not a lot of yard room, sometimes creative thinking is necessary, and this is where an experienced Septic installer like Eddie Guy comes in handy.

How Often Should I Have a Septic Pumping?
The time required for a Septic Pumping varies based on the size of your household, how many bathrooms you have, above/below average laundry/sink duty, the size of your septic system, and the quality of your septic field as determined by the original perc test. At this time, we do septic pumping in Mechanicsville, st mary’s county, Charles county, and southern MD. We pump your tank, and if necessary we canals do your septic repair.
Why Eddie Guy Septic for Mechanicsville, St Mary’s County, Charles County, and Southern Md?
We have a quality reputation as seen from our reviews, and a good standing with the local government health departments. We can coordinate your perc test for a new home or a septic repair, pump out an existing septic tank, diagnose a septic repair, and what we are known best for, install a new septic system complete with tank and drain field, including the new nitrogen reducing Septic required since Jan 1, 2014 in the State of Maryland. Read our blog on 7 things to consider when hiring a septic company.
What is Nitrogen Reducing Septic Tank?
Nitrogen Reducing Septic systems are Marylands way of preserving the bay. Put simply, the nitrogen released from our septic leaves the tank with the sewage water, enters the drain field, and eventually finds its way into the watershed. The nitrogen is like a fertilizer to the algae in the bay. Nitrogen is the very same stuff we go out and buy to put on a new lawn. The down side of all the health benefits to the green life in the bay, is that an increase in algae means a decrease in animal life. The fish, crabs, and oysters are competing with the algae for oxygen and they don’t even know it. Nitrogen reducing septic tanks are the way of the future, like it or not, this extra expense on a new septic system is now a law. Eddie Guy Septic can consult you walk you through this new regulation. We are with you on your septic repair or new installation every step of the way.
St Mary’s County

St Mary’s County is where Eddie and Margie grew up. Eddie on the corner of old route 5 and Mechanicsville-Chaptico Rd, and Margie on the Asher farm behind the woods from the Mechanicsville Post office. Eddie used to need to wave to one out of 10 cars as they drove by, growing up here and knowing so many people. It’s a little more built up now, but we still enjoy seeing all the faces of St Mary’s County.
The areas we service in St. Mary’s County, Md include: Abell, Avenue, Bushwood, California, Callaway, Chaptico, Charlotte Hall, Clements, Coltons Point, Dameron, Drayden, Great Mills, Hollywood, Leonardtown, Lexington Park, Loveville, Mechanicsville, Park Hall, Patuxent River, Piney Point, Ridge, St. Inigoes, Scotland, Tall Timbers, Valley Lee, Compton, Helen, Morganza and St. Mary’s City.
The zip codes that we offer our services to in St. Mary’s County, Md include: 20606 20609 20619 20620 20621 20622 20624 20626 20627 20628 20630 20634 20635 20636 20650 20653 20656 20659 20660 20667 20670 20674 20680 20684 20686 20687 20690 20692
We also serve most of Charles and Calvert County.
Southern Md
We serve all of Southern Maryland including St Mary’s county, Charles County, Calvert County. We do perc tests, install new septic systems and do septic repairs and we are based out of our shop in Mechanicsville Md.